Diese Aktion ist nicht von uns (!), aber wir unterstützen sie!
"Directioners! WE need your help! You know 1D wants us to make a project for the
1D day. So we had an idea. Here it is: We ask you to send your Twitter names and a short video with some personal words you ever wanted to say to them. Send it to this email :
If u have questions to the project ASK!
Our Official Twitter Account: @1D_channel
Privat Twitter Account From Anna: @EmilyKewitsch1D
Privat Twitter Account From Mai: @TuyetL
Privat Twitter Account From Catherin: @catherinvormann
Privat Twitter Account from Emi: @EmineFidan12
We will put it together in a long 1 hour video (depends on how many videos we
get from u sooo c'mon c'mon make your videos). and then we will send it to the boys!!!!!
It won't work without u!!!!
You know it's really important we are the best fandom in the world so help us to show it to our boys!
AND: We need ALL of u guys so please help us!!!!!
We are sure they will see the video and they will love it!!!!
we have not enough videos GUYS keep doin videos !!!
we need more!
make the boys proud
we need everx single one of u
Luv ya all <3
-Anna, Emi, Catherin, Mai"
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